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Phone: (866) 267-3083, EXT 716
Fax: (866) 267-3083
Mail Check Donations To:
Phone: (866) 267-3083, EXT 716
Fax: (866) 267-3083
FOCUS Detroit
PO BOX 645039
PITTSBURGH, PA 15264-5039

Staff & Leadership
Center Director
Adam Murphy, M.A., M.Div.
After receiving his M.A. of Theology and Ministry from Boston College (’18) and Masters of Divinity from Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology (’19), Adam took the lead as director of FOCUS Detroit.
Advisory Board
Anne Randall
Paula Kalevas
John Avdoulos
Chrysia Carson
Rob Neda
Diane Michalakis
Christina Guirguis
Chris Manos
Marika Pehlivanidis
Abraham Newhouse
Paul Stavropoulos
Angela Seaborn-Latchney
Haitham Fakhouri
Jason Kehdi
Sonya Kassis
Partner Organizations
Oasis of Hope Christian Church
Greenfield Union Elementary-Middle School
CommonWealth Community Development Charter School