About Us
Mission, Vision, and Values
As an expression of Christ’s love, FOCUS exists to serve the poor by bringing together Orthodox Christian churches and community partners to provide Food, Occupation, Clothing, Understanding, and Shelter and other assistance to address the needs of local communities.
We envision world where everyone experiences and shares the transformative love of Christ.
The Fellowship of Orthodox Christians United to Serve, an Orthodox Christian nonprofit, works to address the ultimate cause of poverty in the world: disconnection from Christ and disconnection from one another. It does this by providing people with opportunities to serve alongside and discover their kinship with others while addressing needs in their local communities.
FOCUS promises to…
provide Orthodox Christians with opportunities to serve and connect with people from their local communities
prepare Orthodox Christians for these service opportunities
ensure the physical, emotional, and spiritual safety of its clients and volunteers to the best of its abilities
be transparent and honest with stakeholders
abide with people in a willing, kind, and loving way
treat everyone with dignity and respect
understand and address the unique needs that exist in local communities as it is able
Our Slogan:
“Creating a more beautiful Detroit from inside out.”
The short motto that holds great meaning and leads our ethos and guiding principals for ministry. We believe that the transformation of the heart, soul, mind, and body create a domino effect, moving to a more beautiful self, family, neighborhood, city, country, and world. Whether it is through enacting small change, or large, we believe that if done with love and intention, that this is what matters. We believe that it is both those who serve and those who are served that are transformed by authentic relationship.
Our Leadership

Center Director
Adam Murphy, M.A., M.Div.
After receiving his M.A. of Theology and Ministry from Boston College (’18) and Masters of Divinity from Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology (’19), Adam took the lead as director of FOCUS Detroit.
Advisory Board
Advisory Board
Angela Seaborn-Latchney – Board Chair
John Avdoulos
Jason Kehdi
Chris Manos
Robert Neda
Abraham Newhouse
Marianna Perakis
Paul Stavropoulos
Rashawnda Williams
Ministry Board
Chrysia Carson
Christina Guirguis
Paula Kalevas
Sonya Kassis
Diane Michalakis
Marika Pehlivanidis
Anne Randall
Our Partner Organizations
Oasis of Hope Christian Church
Greenfield Union Elementary-Middle School
Commonwealth Community Development Charter School
The Council of Orthodox Christian Churches of Metropolitan Detroit