Saturday Feeding Ministry & Outfitted for Good

On the first and third Saturday of each month, we partner with Oasis of Hope Christian Church to prepare and serve a hot meal for our neighbors in need. We also open “Outfitted for Good”, which is a 40-foot shipping container-turned-free store where our neighbors can shop for gently used clothing, basic needs, and hygiene products.




Tuesday Community Dinner

FOCUS Detroit serves a meal for students and their families at Commonwealth Community Development Academy in Detroit. This meal is part of “Family Nights” that FOCUS Detroit hosts at the school. Meals are from 4:15 PM – 5:00 PM. During this time, volunteers serve the food and eat with families. We also have an arts & crafts corner and open school enrollment. As the program continues, we hope to provide health & wellness seminars, first-time homebuyer classes, trade recruitment opportunities and more! Volunteer slots run from 3:15 PM – 5:30 PM to help set up, serve and clean up.